Something is Blossoming in Japan
Recently, I had the privilege of attending the Resound Japan/Hong Kong regional conference, and it was a life-changing experience. The churches in Japan are doing an incredible job of living out the gospel and bearing fruit. As Tim Keller says, “A gospel-centred church is a church where the gospel is both proclaimed and lived.” The churches I visited in Japan are perfect examples of this.
Here are some of the things I noticed:
Others Orientated: Our Japanese brothers and sisters outdo others in giving honour (Romans 12 V10). This is a clear reflection of Jesus; teaching in Luke 14 V11 “For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” This is a reminder to us all that we should put others first and seek to honour them above ourselves. Our brothers and sisters in Japan have done this consistently over some time and it has produced an ecosystem where gospel cultures flourish. It seems like they are almost unaware, while I was in awe.
Generous: Our Japanese brothers and sisters are incredibly generous. They often try to pay for meals, give gifts, invited me into their homes, sent gifts home for the family (something wonderful about the culture at large too), and one brave soul even gave me clothes. Who would think to give a 6’4” XL man Japanese clothes? I secretly covet Japanese fashion, but God is working on my heart and I’m too big anyway. This level of generosity is a reflection of the gospel, which says in 2Corinthians 8 V9, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake, he became poor so that you through his poverty might become rich.” This is a challenge for us all to be more generous with our time, talents, and resources.
Relational and Creative: Our Japanese brothers and sisters are all spinning various plates, dreaming, planning, imagining, and doing so many different things. They are busy advancing the Kingdom. They fill their churches with hope, creativity, and laughter. This too reflects Jesus, who said in John 10 V10 “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” This is a reminder to us all to live fully alive in Jesus, to dream big kingdom dreams, and to make the most of every opportunity the Lord provides.
God is doing a mighty work amongst our brothers and sisters in Japan, and we can all learn from their example of gospel proclamation and living. They are a great blessing to the world, and we should strive to be like them, putting others first, being generous, and living with zeal in the Lord.
As Tim Keller says, “The gospel is not just the minimum entrance requirements to get into heaven, but the way we grow and transform throughout our lives”; May we all continue to grow and transform into the image of Christ, just as our Japanese brothers and sisters have done. I’d hope that we get to meet one day at another Resound gathering.