Past Events
20 March 2024
Resound | Kizuna
11-13 April 2024
Resound Regional North Conference (Japan)
23-26 October 2023
Resound Annual Leaders’ Gathering (India)
29 March 2023
Resound | Kizuna
24 February 2023
Introducing Resound
25 February 2023
Resound Regional Conference (Japan)
13 September 2022
Resound | Kizuna
Sam Allberry
Sam Allberry is a pastor, apologist, author and speaker. He is the author of a number of books, including Is God Anti-Gay?; What God Has to Say About Our Bodies; Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?; and 7 Myths about Singleness.
Check out samallberry.com to know more about our speaker.
18-19 August 2022
Resound Leaders’ Gathering (Singapore)
Ray Ortlund
Ray Ortlund is the president of Renewal Ministries, the pastor to pastors at Immanuel Church Nashville, and a canon theologian with the Anglican Church in North America. He is the author of several books, including the Preaching the Word commentaries on Isaiah and Proverbs and Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel. He is also a contributor to the ESV Study Bible. Ray and his wife, Jani, have been married for fifty years.

Resound | Kizuna (絆)
Kizuna (絆) in Japanese means friendship/brotherhood-bond, tie, connection or knit together.
At Resound, although geographically distant, we are spiritually united in Christ and aim to be knit together with our member churches across Asia-Pacific.
Resound | Kizuna is a virtual space where we come together and encourage and equip one another to proclaim the good news of Jesus across Asia-Pacific.
5 April 2022
Resound | Kizuna
Dr Rebecca McLaughlin
Rebecca McLaughlin holds a Ph.D. in Renaissance Literature from Cambridge University and a theology degree from Oak Hill College in London. She is the author of Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion (2019), which was named book of the year by Christianity Today, and of 10 Questions Every Teen Should Ask (and Answer) about Christianity (2021), The Secular Creed: Engaging 5 Contemporary Claims (2021), and Is Christmas Unbelievable? Four Questions Everyone Should Ask About the World's Most Famous Story (2021). She lives in Cambridge Massachusetts with her husband Bryan, and their three children.
Join us for our first-ever Resound Conference! Come meet our church partners and members from each church from all over Asia Pacific. We will hear from keynote speaker, Andrew Katay (CEO of City to City Australia) and explore the following topics in our breakout sessions: Leadership Development, Gospel Centrality, and Being Empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Registration is closed. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@resoundchurches.org
Andrew Katay
Andrew is the CEO of City to City Australia, a church planting and leadership development agency linked to Tim Keller and Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York. This role enables him to work across denominational boundaries to be part of seeing a Gospel movement take hold of cities across Australia, which is a driving passion for Andrew.
Andrew is also the Senior Minister of Christ Church Inner West, a multi-site church in Sydney's Inner West, where he commenced over ten years ago. He has considerable experience in University ministries and has served as Chaplain to Sydney University.
He is married to Catriona and they have three adult children. The things that animate Andrew are sharing the Gospel, seeing God’s grace at work in the community of the Church as well as in the wider community through cultural renewal, and when he has time, a decent game of golf.
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