
The Gospel Brings Unity Within Our Diversity
Next Sunday, stop for a moment. Take a good look at the people around you. This is one of the beautiful characteristics of the church; a mix mash of ages, cultures, personalities, education levels, hobbies, choosing to be together. Very few other spaces in life bring together such diverse people, out of choice. Whilst being beautiful and rare in the world, it can bring discomfort, challenges, or even disunity.
How are we loving those who are different from us?
Are we moving towards unity in the body, or overlooking a divide, whether hidden in our hearts or visible in our actions?

Resurrection Faith
When everything that truly matters is only the here and now, it is inevitable then that suffering becomes insufferable.

Ingredients for Hope
We once again approach the time of year bursting with the word ‘hope’ during this Advent season. We sing it, we say it, we read it, but we often don’t feel it because we often forget the birthplace of hope.

Praying for Difficult People
Prayer stands as a powerful, yet often under-utilised, lifeline for managing and transforming challenging relationships. Instead of harbouring frustration, resentment, or distance, prayer encourages us to invite God into our struggles, allowing Him to mould our hearts to mirror His.

Moving at God’s Pace
Are you facing a season of apparent failure or setbacks? Are you asking the Lord to open doors, but there is no answer though you’ve been faithful?
Read on to be encouraged in trusting in God's timing.

Pastor, This is Your Most Important Business Today
Pastors, our greatest problem is the same as everyone else. Our knowledge doesn’t solve the deeper problem of our lack of happiness in God. How do we overcome that?

Still a Long Way off?
Do you feel you’re “still a long way off” as a church member, parent, child, spouse, leader or pastor? Do you feel unseen, helpless or under-appreciated?
The Father sees you. He embraces you in His Son.

7 Questions for Trials
Trials produce steadfastness, steadfastness leads to your completion and perfection, so count trials as joy. It’s a reality that God uses difficulties like trials for our sanctification. It’s unavoidable. But we’re invited to delight in that fact rather than dread it. Because we dislike trials and tests of faith, we may approach verses like these with lots of questions.

A wonder-filled Christmas
For many, Christmas is an overwhelming and chaotic time of the year, spent trying to keep up with everything and everyone. It kind of makes sense that Christmas loses its wonder.
How can we keep Christ at the centre of our home and hearts during Christmas?

God’s Great Armour
This is a totally fictional tale that you are actually invited to enter.

Losing Yourself VS. Laying Down Your Life
By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.
1 John 3:16

Identifying Your Blind Spots
The good news is that the Holy Spirit is our Counselor and Advocate, and by inviting His guidance, we open ourselves to His transformative work in our lives.

Humble Yourself and Trust God
He carried the cross for me. He carried my sins. He promises to carry my burdens. I will trust him.” So, let us repent of our pride, humble ourselves before the mighty hand of God, and give to him all our anxieties.

Awakening Gratitude: Recognizing the Magnitude of Our Debt
The more we realise how holy God is, the more we become aware of the seriousness of our own sins. This realisation awakens our gratitude for the mercy of God and empowers us to love Him more!

Something is Blossoming in Japan
God is doing a mighty work amongst our brothers and sisters in Japan, and we can all learn from their example of gospel proclamation and living. They are a great blessing to the world, and we should strive to be like them, putting others first, being generous, and living with zeal in the Lord.

Reflections on New City Delhi’s 5-year Journey
Through every step of the way, we saw God’s faithfulness, provision and protection. And as I reminisce about the church plant at this 5-year mark, I wonder at God’s goodness. It only moves me to worship our sovereign God.

A personal God, not just a philosophy
As we revel in the riches of the faith, let’s not forget that at the center of that faith is a Personal God, who invites into the riches of relationship with him. Let’s revel, and relate, and rejoice.

Living A Life Of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving and praise will be our permanent heart posture for all eternity. As we live with this heart now, we practice something of Heaven on earth, a taste of eternity with Christ, and we reflect something of the eternal to the temporal world around us.

Whom shall I fear?
The greatest gift to us is God himself, who alone can provide us with the deepest satisfaction of longings that we may not even be fully aware.

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