Getting my tuesday back - The heart idol of comfort
When I look to the cross, I’m reminded that Jesus would have had ultimate comfort in heaven, but he stepped down into humanity to love, rescue and redeem me. He gave up every known comfort to become a servant. In Philippians 2:6-8 we see that even though Jesus was in very nature God, he humbled himself even to die on a cross.
The Tree of Beginning
Without knowing your need for rescue, the good news just doesn’t taste good enough.
The Gospel and Community
As people made in the image of the triune God—who is a community in himself—we are made for community. We are hardwired to find fulfilment in meaningful relationships, and ultimately, in a relationship with God.
Be still and know..
Sabbath rest is not a day of saying no to life but rather a day to say yes to the true meaning of a life dependent on our father, our creator, our shepherd, our Lord, our saviour.
On developing Spiritual Friendships
We are invited by Jesus to quit hiding behind withering fig leaves and to kneel before the throne of His great grace and to put on His righteous robes again and again. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.
Our Plans Rest in His Sovereign Hands
God invites us to be a part of His plan that is astoundingly beyond anything we could imagine. We can find true peace and deep joy in the knowledge of that.
Diary of a church planter mistakenly left open at page 37, undated…
His speech would drip with peace. It would put peace in my soul. His language would be all of Grace
The invisible hands that hold you
The more I rehearsed the gospel in my heart, the nearer Christ seemed to be. Promises like the one found in Isaiah 41:13 began to unfold before my eyes as the assurance of His presence and care filled my heart: “For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, ‘Fear not, I am the one who helps you.”
The enmeshment trap: unravelling work from identity
Finding our identity in Christ helps free us from our insecurities. We are children of God, and that can’t be altered by a good day at work or a day filled with mistakes and failures.
To grieve well in a season of change
As a man, Jesus knows what we are experiencing because He has dealt with grief and anxiety. And as God, he can carry our sorrows and comfort us with a peace that surpasses all understanding.
Spiritual depression and gospel culture in the church
Jesus is the man of sorrows who understands what it means to be downcast.
Empowered by the Spirit to love my city
The Spirit of God helps me to live counter-culturally.
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